On October 6th, we enjoyed our fall outing at Shady Grove Park, located in Windsor, PA. The building was beautiful, and we had a good turnout for the service. Our special guests for the service were Jim and Wendy Allshouse, good friends of Nikki's family in years past from Lancaster, PA. The shared some of their new music from their new album, Absolute Peace, as well as some older gospel medleys as well. http://www.jimanwendy.com/
Our congregational singing included hymns focusing on praising God for His beautiful creation. Among the hymns sung were: Blessed Assurance, Praise Him! Praise Him!, and For the Beauty of the Earth (and a few others I unfortunately did not have backup tracks for...I am thankful for a congregation that can carry a tune and keep a beat, even a capella when needed!
Hope, Nikki and my daughter, actually made it until around 1:45 without a nap, amazingly. She followed all the other kids and played on the playground after enjoying some hot dog wraps Nikki had made for the soup and sandwich dinner. I particularly loved the soups, which were plentiful! They included (all home-made) - chili, vegetable, cream of crab, cheesy broccoli (yum!), chicken corn, chicken noodle, and chicken pot pie. I do love a good potluck dinner!
We all enjoyed a good time of food and fellowship. It is great when we can glorify God for His blessings to us, and our closeness as a church family. He is faithful!
"Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol Him, all you peoples. For great is His love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD."
Psalm 117:1-2