Saturday, April 27, 2013

Welcome to Thoughtful Worship, my first attempt at blogging.  I continue to experience a new world in organizing my church's worship service, and wish to pass it along.  I am finding so many resources, good videos, other blogs, worship tips & ideas, and so on that I find I need to write my thoughts down.  I need to record them not only for my own benefit, but so anyone who wishes might be able to get a glimpse into God's leading.  It is amazing how God can use a simple thing like the internet to help us grow in our faith.  I hope it can also help me to become a better worshipper and worship leader.

My first resource - LifeWay Worship -

Today, as I was searching for a good instrumental backup for "Sing, Sing, Sing", I read another blog on LifeWay Worship's tweeter entitled "Scripture in Worship".  As I try to use my leading worship to praise the Lord, I try to find a way to fit Scripture into our worship services at Zion.  Joe Thorn published this blog, which offers some good tips on how you can fit Scripture into any service.  It can be found at

His one suggested reading, Psalm 19, offers a glimpse into God's glory, then His Law and Word.  Sounds like a wonderful start to our service tomorrow!

Also, LifeWay's featured song, Open Up the Heavens by Meredith Andrews, definitely fits the bill for a good opening prelude song and call to worship

Some of my favorites songs for today:
Jesus, Firm Foundation
Lord I Need You
Jesus, Only Jesus

Hopefully, this is just the beginning.  I plan on making an effort to share more going forward!
