Friday, March 3, 2017

Compassion in India

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
Ephesians 6:12
To ignore the fact that there is a spiritual warfare going on in this world is to ignore reality. I hear and read many posts and articles about secular thinking individuals who refuse to acknowledge that Christianity as a whole is under attack. Christians as a whole may not be physically under attack in many senses, although persecuted Christians in the Muslim nations in the Middle East are very much following their faith at their very life's expense, but always spiritually under attack as the secular world tries to remove any and all recognition of Jesus Christ or even God the Father in our world today.
I challenge those individuals to show why the restricting and eventual ending of Compassion International's outreach in India on March 15 is a good thing, even by the world's standard. Compassion's main goal is to "release children from poverty in Jesus' name", as we are commanded to care for the poor countless times in Scripture, including Proverbs 19:17. And yet because the organization is a Christian organization in a India, a country that is 94% Hindu and Muslim, they are being refused the opportunity to minister in the country to the 147,706 children who count on the program for life itself. This is a country that has over 18% of the entire world population. This is a country that has almost a quarter of its population that lives in dire poverty. This is a country that refuses to acknowledge humanitarian relief solely on the reason that it is done by a non-governmental faith organization who testifies faith in Christ. Furthermore, this does not only affect Compassion International itself; it affects over 20,000 non-governmental organizations operating within the Indian borders, many of whom have been placed on a "watch list" comprised of organizations with a faith-based mission.
Read about it for yourself. Do a Google search with "Compassion and India." You don't trust Christian news? Read about it in The Hindu, The Guardian, WNG, and The Times of India. Where won't you hear about it? The local or mainstream U.S. news media. Why? Because it's a "Christian issue", not a entertainment issue, a political issue or a financial issue. Simply put, the world doesn't care because it won't help sell the news or make them money. We care about the murder down the street. We care about local school taxes. We care about the latest celebrity marriage downfall. We care about the stock market. We criticize and debate the current political divide in this country. We care about "our rights" and "our freedoms." We care (and rightfully so) about the few lives that we lost recently to the terrible storms in the Mid-West U.S. But we don't care about the lives of over 147,000 children and their families. It doesn't affect us. It doesn't affect our bank accounts. And it doesn't affect our souls. And all because we are selfish.
But it should. It should tear our hearts out. It should cause us to ask the tough questions. It should cause us to ask whose side are we on, the world's or the Lord's. And it should bring us to our knees in petition to the God of this universe.
Please pray for Compassion today.

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